Media Engagement Policy


Arabella Advisors is a trusted advisor and service provider to many of the world’s most effective philanthropists, impact investors, nonprofit organizations, and change makers. We are proud to have helped hundreds of clients and partners make the journey from inspiring ideas to life-changing impact. As a social enterprise (a B Corporation), we work primarily on behalf of those clients and partners.

As proud as we are of the positive changes that we help our clients and partners make—both in their communities and around the globe—Arabella does not speak to the media about our clients and partners without their express permission.

As trusted advisors, we treat our clients’ and partners’ confidentiality as paramount. There are many reasons a donor or investor might wish to remain anonymous: for example, they may be experimenting with a new approach or exploring new issues; they may wish to preserve their own or their family’s privacy; or they may believe that good works shouldn’t come with adulation or attention. No matter the reason, we respect the decision of each client to work publicly or anonymously as they see fit.

We sometimes share stories, tools, and learnings based on our work to help advance the broader philanthropic sector. In these cases, too, we carefully maintain the anonymity of our clients and partners unless we have their express consent to name them.

If you have a media inquiry, please contact our press team.