Collaboration & Network Building

Go Further By Going Together

Through more than 150 domestic and international projects, Arabella staff have mastered the art of guiding effective collaborative efforts across the philanthropic sector and beyond.

To accomplish the systemic changes many of us seek, we know we have to work together. But working together is easier said than done. Partners bring different levels of resource and motivation. They may share one goal but not others. And each has a different set of responsibilities beyond the collaborative work they do together.

Keeping everyone moving in the same direction takes the deft touch of an effective communicator, the iron will of a skilled project manager, and the capacity for innovation and adaptation of a serial entrepreneur. And that’s not to mention the administrative and technical skills.

Over nearly two decades, Arabella has developed the tools needed to help collaborative efforts deliver outsized impact, both across the United States and internationally. We enable funders to launch new projects quickly and effectively, collaborate efficiently, and develop impactful grant-making programs. Working with our fiscal sponsorship partners, we provide a full range of services, including: strategic guidance, project management, human resource support, accounting and financial management, compliance oversight, and grants and contract management.

Our goal is to meet you where you are and provide the mix of services and support your collaborative effort needs to drive the change you seek. Our team can help you and your partners better leverage resources, offload administrative burdens, and ultimately amplify your combined impact.


How Arabella Can Help

  • Develop a shared vision, mission, and giving strategies
  • Create efficient governance and operational structures
  • Recruit and manage board members
  • Identify donor partners
  • Administer domestic and international grants
  • Conduct due diligence
  • Monitor and evaluate your portfolio
  • Pool funds to support research and advocacy efforts

Contact us to learn more.