Grants Management

Make Grants More Efficiently, Effectively, and Equitably

The Arabella Advisors team helps our partners execute more than $1 billion per year in philanthropic grants, working with hundreds of funder and grantee organizations in more than 100 countries. We can help you develop strategic grant-making programs, manage grants more efficiently and equitably, and put more funds to work for impact, both domestically and abroad.

Developing strategic and effective grantmaking programs presents a variety of challenges for funders—from identifying mission-aligned entities to fund to conducting due diligence, making funding decisions, delivering funds, and effectively measuring and communicating impact.

Based on our extensive experience, Arabella has developed systems that enable grantmakers to engage strategically in the process while offloading much of the day-to-day work. Many clients outsource grants management to us in full, using our proprietary tools, cutting-edge processes, and ability to create innovative platforms for grantmaking to maximize their efficiency and impact. Several funders use us as an efficient resource to manage complex or international grants, as well as efforts that operate on different timelines than their typical grant cycles. In each case, our team provides customized, right-sized solutions that meet clients where they are and enable them to participate in ways that are most useful and meaningful to them.


How Arabella Can Help

  • Devise grant strategies
  • Run grant application processes
  • Conduct due diligence
  • Award funds quickly and compliantly
  • Manage multiple grants
  • Manage grants to international organizations
  • Manage grants to non-charitable entities
  • Increase equity in grantmaking

Contact us to learn more.